iRobot cleans, you work! See what the cleaning robot can do

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It is probably every housewife’s dream to be able to relax or do other work while the chores do themselves. This dream can come true thanks to cleaning robots, in fact, self-propelled vacuum cleaners. These relatively small devices thanks to the installed sensors and special brushes will clean and mop the floors even in our absence.

Possibilities of cleaning robots

These devices are becoming a savior, especially when we have children or pets, where daily vacuuming is almost a chore. In the beginning, this type of equipment was quite expensive. Currently, iRobots cost comparably to traditional vacuum cleaners. Once we have it in our home, we can program it to clean the entire apartment or individual rooms. Thanks to the program, the equipment avoids walls and furniture without damaging them and we can set its start time for a specific hour. We can use it on various surfaces. It will cope well on tiles, panels or carpet and perfectly clean every nook and cranny. Low noise level of iRobots makes them an additional advantage. After finished work, they direct themselves to the charging station. You can set the entire cleaning program from your phone, using a dedicated app.

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