How to choose posters for your home

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Prints are a great way to add a personal touch to any space. With a vast selection of art prints, posters, and wall murals, you can easily find something that complements the style of your home.


Define your style

When choosing posters for your home, the most important factor to consider is your style. Deciding on a design aesthetic for your room will help you narrow down what kind of posters you should be looking for. Do you prefer minimalist designs with clean lines and subtle colors? Or are you drawn to bright, vibrant posters with bold colors? Consider what style would match best with the existing decor of the room, or if you’re looking to switch it up, pick a poster that would create a contrast. It’s important to consider the other pieces in the room such as the furniture, artwork, and accents, as they all work together to create the overall atmosphere of the space. When you have an idea of the type of style you want to go with, it’ll make it easier to shop for posters.


Consider the room

When choosing posters for your home, it’s important to take the room into consideration.Is it a place for relaxation or stimulation? Should the poster reflect the room’s overall design aesthetic? Do I want to make a statement with a bold poster? Or keep it subtle and understated? Think about the style of the room and pick a poster that complements it. If the room has a modern vibe, you might want to select an abstract print or bright-colored graphic. For a more rustic look, consider vintage-style posters or landscape photographs. In a child’s bedroom, you could opt for whimsical artwork or cute illustrations. When deciding on a poster, consider how it will fit into the room’s current decor and color palette. Pixer prints can add texture, color, or pattern to a space just make sure it meshes with the rest of the room.


Determine the size

Once you have your style and room in mind, it’s time to start looking for posters that fit the size requirements. For small rooms, a larger poster can become overwhelming and draw too much attention away from the other elements of the space. When hanging a poster in a smaller room, you may want to opt for something smaller like an 8×10 or 11×14 size. On the flip side, if you have a larger room, you can go bigger. A large poster like a 16×20 or 24×36 can be a great way to fill up a lot of wall space with a single piece of art. Also, keep in mind the frame size – make sure your frame won’t be too bulky or overcrowd the poster when it is hung on the wall. Once you have a perfect size picked out, you can start narrowing down your choices.

Main photo: Minh Pham/

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