What kind of heating for an energy-efficient home should I choose?

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When building or planning to build a house, you probably have a lot of doubts. Modern technological solutions will make living in such a house much easier – and costs much lower. However, this often involves an upfront investment in modern systems, such as a heating system. If you want to have an energy-efficient home, you need to think about several issues. What are they?

First of all, think about the cost of the entire investment. Do you want only low expenses after the installation of the heating system, but its cost may be higher? Or maybe you want the whole thing to be within a reasonable budget?

From the top shelf

Undoubtedly, an energy-efficient – and at the same time economical and ecological – house will provide you with heat pumps and solar collectors. These are some of the most modern and technologically advanced solutions. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most expensive when it comes to their installation, as it can amount up to 20 thousand zlotys. On the other hand, the exploitation costs of a heat pump are one of the lowest, because you don’t pay for the fuel necessary for its functioning. Why? Because heat pumps use only what is natural. The cheapest models create heating thanks to external air, the more expensive ones – the ground or ground water. A huge advantage of pumps is also the fact that they do not need any additional service – it is enough to simply turn on the heating. Even if during construction of your house you may think that this solution is unprofitable, because expenses connected with installation will not pay back quickly, it is worth remembering that heat pumps definitely increase the value of your house. So if in a few years you decide to sell it, it will be a definite plus!

Traditional gas

Gas heating is nothing new, on the contrary – it has been around for a long time and has many supporters. But is it actually energy efficient? Although it may seem strange… Yes! What’s more, gas boilers are one of the most popular solutions when it comes to building energy efficient houses. Why? Their installation is cheap, amounting to about 4 thousand zlotys, and in addition, as in the case of heat pumps, gas boilers are maintenance-free devices. They are a great solution because reading the temperature of the room – even its temporary changes – they adjust themselves to it, turning the heating on when it is needed and off when the right temperature is reached. A definite downside is the dependence on the gas grid. This means that in areas outside the city infrastructure, we will have to purchase a gas boiler powered from a domestic tank.

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Photo by uslan_ivantsov from Freepik.com

Pellets or wood?

It would seem that with the huge number of modern heating systems, pellets, coal or eco-pea should be forgotten. Solid fuels are still used for heating households, however, much higher quality devices are used than those which we can remember from our grandparents’ houses. Their cost is about 10 thousand zlotys, and despite many modernisations, they still require human intervention – adding fuel once every few days, removing ash and cleaning. It is worth mentioning, however, that their advancement makes some of them also have an automatic heating function

Turn on the light

A great addition – as few people opt for this solution alone – is electric heating. Due to fluctuating electricity prices, this solution is often discouraged, but it should be remembered that in the case of energy-efficient houses the costs will never be high. More importantly, electricity can be used in many different ways. A great solution is storage heaters, which collect electricity when there is a cheaper electricity tariff and then use it during the other months. Another great option is electric powered mats, which are a type of surface heating. It doesn’t just have to be what is known as underfloor heating. The mats can also be placed in the walls or ceiling. You will not have to worry about the heating installation, as it does not complicate it at all.

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