Automatic watering of garden flowers

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We have a beautiful garden and plants in it, which we take care of with great care. What to do when we go on vacation and we will not be able to water them ourselves? There are a few simple ways to do it.

Automatic watering of the garden

Self watering garden flowers is the perfect solution when we are busy and don’t have the opportunity to water the entire garden every night. It is also an option that will come in handy when going on vacation, threatening the drying and death of our beautiful flowers. The purchase of this type of equipment does not have to be expensive. There are special controllers available in stores – programmers for watering the garden. They are suitable both for watering the garden with a traditional sprinkler, as well as, for example, drip irrigation system. Connect the equipment with a universal connector to the water source and garden hose. Then we set all the parameters such as time or frequency of watering. There are several different models available on the market and certainly everyone will find something for themselves

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