Does positioning your online store pay off? Can you increase your sales with Wix or Google SEO?

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If you own an online store, you should take care of its effective positioning. Actions that make up this process are not complicated, but require time and patience. It is worth undertaking them, because they can affect your profits.

Trade is a very large service sector, in which competition is not difficult. No matter what specific industry you are in or what you sell in your online store, you would certainly want to reach as many customers as possible. However, on the internet, a place where you end up with many websites and online stores, this can be difficult without interest in SEO. This is why you should bet on proven and effective actions like Wix SEO, thanks to which your website and store will be more visible for internet users. These actions are referred to as positioning. Its purpose is to optimize the content within the website and online store, so that the website appears in the highest possible positions in SERP. This will translate into higher, regular traffic on the website, which will also result in higher profits. It is reachable when You finally come across SEO Google, but why and how to do it? 

How to position an online store?

Positioning, also called optimization (SEO Google actions), of online stores is not different from the positioning of websites. First of all you should determine the scope of your activities and industry. This will make it easier to specify the group of recipients and potential customers and to choose keywords. Keywords are the basis of positioning. If they are well chosen, the traffic on the website will be higher. It is worth using both shorter phrases and longer ones, the so-called long tail, which consist of 2-3 words. Keywords are best woven into product descriptions, but also, for example, in blog articles and expert articles.

If we are talking about articles, we have to mention the creation of content marketing, which also makes up the process of optimizing an online store. Here’s Wix SEO is worth mentioning for the reason of it’s huge accessibility, allowing users to create content with pleasure and possibility to make it even more attractive. Content marketing is about creating unique, useful and interesting content, which is a fundamental element of SEO marketing strategy. You can combine your online store with maintaining an expert blog, which will regularly feature posts with tips and advice. Although such activities are not directly related to sales, they drive more traffic to the site and can translate into higher profits. It’s a fact, blogs can barely improve sales rate, but look, SEO marketing strategy combining from effective content marketing and website projects concentrated on User experience, thanks to Wix SEO modification possibilities will probably make prospects stay at Your site longer. This can lead to increased sales, but more about that You can find here:

When positioning your online store, you should also pay attention to its technical structure. You should take care of good page loading speed, proper URLs and mobile adaptation, as well as check the linking within the store, Google’s robots code and SSL certificate.

Off-site positioning

Off-site activities are also important in online store positioning. What is off-site positioning? These are all off-site activities that affect its better visibility in search results. These include:

  • acquiring external links – links can appear in the texts and descriptions themselves, as well as in comments or image captions. It is also worth using anchors, i.e. anchoring links in selected parts of the text;
  • Guest posts (also with links) – they help in promoting the site. If a user reads an article about your company on another website, they will be able to go to your website and store from there;
  • Google business card optimization – search engines use carefully crafted business cards along with geolocation to tailor results to users. Basically this unquestionably increases Your site SEO Google rate.

Also important in off-site SEO is the industry itself and its competitiveness, as well as the history of the site – domains that have been around for a long time are easier to optimize.

Is positioning of an online store worthwhile?

Online store positioning consists of specific actions aimed at achieving specific results, by implementing SEO marketing strategy increasing the visibility of the website and the store in search results. Store, which is located in high positions in the search engine, will always note more frequent traffic, and this translates into greater interest in products or services and is associated with higher revenues, profits. Optimization also increases the popularity of a given brand and its recognition, which in the long run is very important for business and its development. These benefits should be convincing enough to say that positioning an online store really pays off.

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  • iCEA PL 20.07.2022

    Thanks for your advice. I think that preparing the right strategy has a huge impact on the success of SEO. I found out about positioning from the site and I decided to try to implement SEO in my marketing strategy. In my opinion positioning definitely pays off. It has brought satisfactory effects like increasing the visibility of the website in search result.

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