Bio-fireplace – atmospheric and ecological

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There are many alternatives to traditional fireplaces. One of the most popular are ethanol bio-fireplaces. Find out how they work, what the characteristics of their fuel are, as well as how to install the device and how much, more or less, it costs.

What varieties of eco-friendly fireplaces are available?

Modern fireplaces are more efficient, greener and easier to care for – you don’t have to worry about smoke, smell, chopping wood or removing ashes. Due to the price of both purchase and installation, the cost of the device is also more affordable. Which types are worth considering?

Ethanol bio-fireplace – basic information

This is a variation of a fireplace or stove with combined zones of heat generation. The process of burning fuel – ethanol – occurs in it. The product does not require a chimney and at the same time emits a real flame, not an imitation. Installation of a bio-fireplace is possible in virtually any room.

In simple terms: an ethanol device is a fireplace without ventilation, operating through pure ethanol fuel. The substance does not produce smoke, odor or dangerous chemicals during combustion. For this reason, it does not need a vent or a flue. That is why you can place this bio-fireplace practically anywhere. 

How does the device work?

The ethanol bio-fireplace functions in a similar way to a candle. The device burns alcohol-based ethanol fuel. Fuel is dispensed into the burner container, and then ignited with a long lighter. 

In many models of ethanol bio-fireplaces there is an option to control the flame by reducing the opening from which the fire comes out. The user can also turn it off at any time by closing the burner completely.

Bio-fireplace for gel – the most important news

This type is grouped most often with the previous variety. This is because in both cases the main component of the fuel is alcohol. The fuel is usually placed in a can of about 350 grams. One is enough for 2-3 hours of use.

Sometimes fuel manufacturers add organic materials to the alcohol. This causes the bio-fireplace to hiss and gasp. Exactly as is the case with standard fuel, i.e. wood. It is still worth mentioning that gel fuels usually consist of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol.

Installation of the device – what does a bio-fireplace consist of?

As a rule, bio-fireplaces have a simple design. Individual components may vary depending on the specific model or manufacturer, but it is possible to distinguish common parts for most. Among them are such components as:

  • body;
  • fireproof and tempered glass;
  • burner;
  • ceramic wood that positively affects the appearance of the bio-fireplace;
  • a vessel for storing ethanol fuel.

The installation of bio-fireplaces is not difficult, as there is no need to connect pipes, put up special structures or remodel the property. There are also no gas or electric lines. Bio-fireplaces also do not require ventilation.

What makes bio-fireplaces environmentally friendly?

This is influenced by the type of fuel used. The ethanol that makes them work is also known as “denatured alcohol,” as the fuels can come directly from plants, agricultural, commercial or household waste. Therefore, biofires use fuel that is not produced by non-ecological industrial processes, extraction of fossil fuels – coal and oil. 

main photo: Seibert
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