Can we save money with recuperation?

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In modern construction, systems or components designed to save money are increasingly being installed. One of them is recuperation, or mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. What is it? How does it work? And most importantly – how can you save on it?

Recuperation is an energy-efficient and ecological solution. It provides a constant comfort of living for the inhabitants with simultaneous reduction of heating costs. So you can say that mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is an investment that will pay for itself quickly. Just give it a chance

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How does recuperation work?

Traditional home ventilation relies on air draft. Leaky windows and strong heating of the stove caused constant and strong circulation of air, which escaped through chimney shafts to the outside. The “used” air was thus removed from the house and fresh air full of oxygen entered through leaks or open windows. With the passing of time and technological progress, ventilation methods also changed. Instead of a stove, floor heating and radiators appeared, and windows have special seals that prevent the cold from getting inside and vice versa. This has its advantages – thanks to thermal insulation, you do not have to pay high bills for constant reheating. But how to ensure access to fresh air without losing heat? With help comes recuperation

Recuperation, or mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, is a way to use the already generated heat to heat fresh air. The heart of the mechanism is a device called a recuperator – it sucks air from the outside to the inside of the house, and also pushes the “used” air outside. However, it does this through two separate ducts, so the fresh air does not mix with the polluted air. It does, however, give it back its heat, so a significant percentage of the energy is returned without having to reheat

How can we save money with recuperation?

  1. Lower heating bills

Although you may think these are just empty promises from recuperator manufacturers, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery has been proven to save up to 40% on heating costs. This is because houses are insulated tighter and tighter, and the less permeable the body, the more gravity ventilation fails and it is necessary to look for alternative solutions or mechanical ventilation of the house – which leads to the cooling of rooms and the need for re-heating. Have you ever unsealed a window in winter to let some oxygen in? This cold air had to be drastically warmed up later – and thus generated monetary losses. With recuperation, you won’t have to worry about getting fresh air anymore, because everything happens automatically

  1. No need to filter the air again

Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is also a great solution for allergy sufferers. Whether you live in the city, on the outskirts of the city, or in the complete wilderness, the air is full of dust, dirt, chemicals, and other pollutants. In the case of gravity ventilation, it is necessary to install special filters in the house, which catch pollutants and neutralize them, so that homeowners can breathe fully

Recuperators have built-in filters that treat the air that enters when it is heated. So you no longer have to worry about lung diseases and feeling worse due to smog. There is no need to buy expensive filters to treat the air once again.

>> Read also: Gravity ventilation vs. mechanical ventilation with heat recovery

  1. Prevention

If you choose a recuperator properly, it will not only have filters for pollutants, but also for fungi, mold and other unwanted tenants that, with high humidity, could nest in the walls. With a recuperator, you can maintain the right level of humidity, so it not only protects the health of your home, but also your furniture and accessories from damage.

Interestingly, with a recuperator with a built-in filter for CO2, mold, dust, etc., it is not worth opening the windows, because the incoming air is completely safe and purified. This also helps to get rid of other unwanted tenants, especially in summer – mosquitoes and bugs

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